
    1. “Do ‘Cheeseburger Bills’ Work? Effect of Tort Reform for Fast Food” with Kitt Carpenter. Journal of Law and Economics. NBER Working Paper 21170. Replication Kit
    1. “Public Spillovers from Private Insurance Contracting: Physician Responses to Managed Care” with Michael Richards. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
    1. “The Impact of Obesity on Wages: The Role of Personal Interactions” with Andrea Moro and Tommaso Tempesti. LABOUR. Lead Article.
    1. “Losing Public Health Insurance: TennCare Disenrollment and Personal Financial Distress” with Laura Argys, Andrew Friedson, and Melinda Pitts. ***Journal of Public Economics.***
    1. Regional disparities in Qualified Health Plans’ Prior Authorization Requirements for HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in the United States with Kathleen McManus, Sam Powers, Elizabeth Rogawski, and Amy Killelea. ***JAMA Network Open***
    1. Connecting Medicaid and Child Support: Evidence from Disenrollment with Lindsey Bullinger. Review of Economic of the Household
    1. Private Coverage Mandates, Business Cycles, and Provider Treatment Intensity with Michael Richards. Health Economics
    1. Losing Public Health Insurance on Preventative Care, Health, and Emergency Department Use: Evidence from the TennCare Disenrollment. ***Southern Economic Journal.** (Replication kit)*
    1. Losing insurance and behavioral health inpatient care: Evidence from a large-scale Medicaid disenrollment” with Catherine Maclean and Douglas Webber. NBER Working Paper 25936. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
  1. Quality management and labor productivity of formal companies in Perú: A non – non-experimental design and causal machine learning techniques ****with Mario Tello, Estudios de Economia

Working Papers

  1. "Public Programs for Children Impact Parents: Evidence from Medicaid Expansions" with Daniel Grossman and Barton Willage. NBER Working Paper 29661. Submitted
  2. “Under the same umbrella: Public health insurance expansions and the uniformity of insurance for families” with Sarah Hamersma and Daniel Grossman. NBER Working Paper 31491
  3. “The introduction of PrEP on HIV: Incidence, Mortality and Heterogeneity” with Dr. Kathleen McManus and Sam Mann
  4. “Losing Medicaid: What happens to hospitalizations?” with Ausmita Ghosh, Johanna Catherine Maclean, and Kosali Simon. NBER Working Paper 21580 Submitted

What else am I working on? (Updated on December, 2022)

Currently future work spans on topics of HIV, Medicaid policies and racial disparities, measuring mental health, effects of licensing of therapist on labor outcomes and mental health outcomes, and school upgrades on health. This means that I’m working on these areas, may have some results but don’t have a shareable draft. However, if you work on these areas and would like to collaborate or are looking for these topics for creating panels, let me know!